Phyllis Ginsberg: From Survival Mode to Health and Happiness 

Phyllis Ginsberg is popularly known in her field and among her clients as the Survival to Thrival Expert as well as the Health and Happiness Expert.

With 30 years’ of experience in Marriage and Family Therapy, along with her vast knowledge about the brain, positive psychology, and EFT Tapping,

Phyllis has transformed many lives as she helps and equips her clients to create lasting positive changes. She is also the author of the books Brain Makeover and Tired and Hungry No More – Not Your Ordinary Guide to Reclaiming Your Health and Happiness

Phyllis joins me today to share how her childhood experiences influenced her decision to be a therapist. She discusses the power of shifting from a survival mindset to possibility thinking and the powerful effects that this mindset shift creates. Phyllis also shares the methods she uses to help her clients become less stressed, healthier, and happier so they can have the power to live more each day. 

“If we clear the chaos in our lives, we can get in touch with what’s right for us.”

Phyllis Ginsberg 

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast: 

  • A picture of what Phyllis’ childhood looked like 
  • How therapy school enabled Phyllis to help others 
  • The circumstances that led her to write her books 
  • The health effects of being in survival mode 
  • Why younger people are more open to discussing sensitive matters compared to the older generations 
  • How to deal with whatever situation that comes up in health, work, and relationships 
  • What the emotional freedom technique or EFT Tapping is and its benefits 
  • Tips for people who want to do the things they want to do 
  • A crucial element in having good health and happiness 
  • How to condition our brain to get a good night’s rest 
  • A proven approach to help you remember the things you need to do 
  • What she does when things go wrong 
  • Knowing it’s a good day when she gets these results for her clients 

Resources Mentioned: 

Connect with Phyllis Ginsberg: 

Connect, Share, Inspire 

Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing business owners and leaders by sharing your favourite episodes on your social media channels. 

Don’t forget to check out my website join my Facebook Group, follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedInYouTube, and Instagram to interact with me and my amazing audience! 

Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC 

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