Happiness and Wellbeing

Self-Assessment: How Optimised is Your Brain?

Answer the following questions to determine how well you care for your brain health and where you can start making improvements.

Self-Assessment: How Optimised is Your Brain?

Happiness and Wellbeing

20 Things You Can Do Today to Be More Productive, Think Better, and Age Smarter

Here are 20 things you can add into your everyday life to improve your brain health.

20 Things You Can Do Today to Be More Productive, Think Better, and Age Smarter

Happiness and Wellbeing

Self-Assessment: Are You Ready to Embrace Minimalism in Your Life & in Business?

Answer the following questions to determine if you’re ready to make the jump to minimalism.

Self-Assessment: Are You Ready to Embrace Minimalism in Your Life & in Business?

Happiness and Wellbeing

Reframe Your Thinking with Positive Quotes

Positive thinking has amazing benefits, ranging from increased mental health to longer lifespans. Positive thinking has even been linked with greater resistance to common diseases. All in all, you can greatly improve your quality of life and boost your motivation by thinking more positively. However, as a working mom, it can be difficult to find […]

Reframe Your Thinking with Positive Quotes

Happiness and Wellbeing

5 Benefits for Doing a Social Media Cleanse

In today’s digital society, social media has become an essential part of everyone’s life. Many people use social media to share an event, announce significant achievements, communicate with their loved ones, or find people with the same interest. As entrepreneurs, we cannot deny that social media has its benefits. Individuals, corporations, and organisations use social […]

5 Benefits for Doing a Social Media Cleanse

Happiness and Wellbeing

How to Build an Affirmation For Abundance

Affirmations are powerful statements that result in manifestations seen in your life. The idea is, that through the law of attraction, whatever you believe will result in behaviour modification, which eventually can change the outcome of your life. Affirmations, or mantras, aim to change that belief system through improving your thoughts with short sentences repeated […]

How to Build an Affirmation For Abundance

Happiness and Wellbeing

Feeling Lost in Life – Bounce Back Guide

“Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.” Ralph Marston We often chase happiness and base our goals on the visual of a flag on top of […]

Feeling Lost in Life – Bounce Back Guide

Happiness and Wellbeing

Self Care Tips for Coaches and Consultants

Every week we have a POWER to Live More Gold members’ call where we get together, catch up on what’s been happening, have 121 break out rooms (for relationship building) and then the last 30 minutes focuses on the topic for the week within the monthly theme. The theme for June is Self Care and […]

Self Care Tips for Coaches and Consultants

Happiness and Wellbeing

5 Powerful Ways to Motivate Yourself as a Home Based Consultant

Running your own consultancy business is a dream come true. It means becoming a CEO of your own company and using all your acquired skills over the years of full-time employment.  You have the freedom to set up your office, market your expertise, and help people. And what’s more exciting is that you can quickly […]

5 Powerful Ways to Motivate Yourself as a Home Based Consultant