Organisation and Prioritisation 

If you are like most people who aim for maximum productivity, you have probably tried different ways to maximize how much you get done in the 24 hours of your day. Whether you are struggling with productivity or simply looking for other ways you can try to get things done, remember that organisation and prioritisation play significant roles in your work efficiency.

Today, I’m discussing the benefits of understanding your priorities and the approaches you can apply to know how to determine the level of priority of each task. I also share some practical ways you can start being more organised and the reasons why perfectionism does not help with productivity. Feeling happy, fulfilled, and more productive in your work will empower you to live more each day.

If you want to be more productive, it helps to understand how productive people think.

This Week on the POWER to Live More Podcast:

  • Learning how productive people think
  • Advantages of creating a to-do list for the next day
  • Examples of time wasters and reasons to eliminate them
  • Looking at mistakes from a constructive point of view
  • Benefits of having the right tools in accomplishing your tasks
  • Advantages of having personalised processes and systems you can duplicate
  • Focusing on one task at a time versus multitasking
  • Getting more things done and avoiding analysis paralysis

Ways to Improve Your Organisation Skills:

  1. Clean your work area.
  2. Use a planner.
  3. Focus your efforts.
  4. Don’t procrastinate.
  5. Stick to a routine.

Ways to Prioritise Your Work:

  1. Brainstorm
  2. Know the time sensitivity of each task.
  3. Determine the level of importance of the job.
  4. Know your limits.
  5. Set time limits for tasks.
  6. Set deadlines.
  7. Allow time for personal projects.

Connect, Share, Inspire

Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing home-based business owners by sharing your favourite episodes on your social media channels.

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

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