Siobhan McKeown on Show #75: Finding Balance Whilst Working Remotely 

Siobhan McKeown is the Director of People Operations at the internationally distributed web development agency, Human Made.

She is the author of A Life Lived Remotely, a book on how the internet and technology have changed the way we work in a digital world. She is an event organiser, public speaker, and advocate and contributor for free software and has written numerous articles on topics ranging from remote work and technology to web development and free software.

Siobhan joins me today to discuss how she finds balance while working remotely. She explains the importance of setting boundaries around your work schedule and tips on how to prioritise your daily tasks so you feel focused, motivated, and productive.

She also explains why she believes building trust and developing your company’s culture is critical when working with a remote team and how it impacts the company’s overall working environment as well as performance.

[spp-tweet tweet=”“It is so important to create boundaries between when you are working and when you’re not working.” – Siobhan McKeown”]

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

  • How the world of work has evolved over the last several decades
  • How she finds balance while working remotely
  • The importance of creating boundaries around your time
  • How she manages her time to ensure she completes her daily tasks
  • Why she prioritises tasks to be completed within a two-week window
  • How delegating tasks helps her stay productive
  • Why she believes learning to delegate is critical to step into leadership roles
  • Why building trust with remote employees and contractors is critical
  • How her company builds trust with their remote teams
  • How company culture impacts the working environment and team performance
  • Challenges she faces to stay fit and healthy while working remotely and the strategies she uses to overcome them
  • Techniques she uses to relax and unwind
  • Why she believes reading fiction books is one of the best self-improvement strategies
  • How she handles challenges and setbacks in her personal and professional life
  • What “living more” means to her

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Siobhan McKeown:

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Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing business owners and leaders by sharing your favourite episodes on your social media channels.

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

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