Personal Productivity

The Can Do Way – Coffee Chat with Gail Gibson

This is a recent podcast interview I did with Gail Gibson, who was recommended to me by the lovely Wendy Kier. I transcribed the interview so that I can let you know what we talked about! I started by introducing myself and explaining what I do and how I came to be doing it. I […]

The Can Do Way – Coffee Chat with Gail Gibson

Personal Productivity

Tools and Tips To Get More Done!

We talked, with a nod to job seekers, and with a focus on personal productivity that is relevant to you whatever your circumstance.

Tools and Tips To Get More Done!

Business Motivation

Small-Time Leaders Podcast

Here is an interview I did with one of my podcast guests Michael Alan Tate on his own podcast!

Small-Time Leaders Podcast

Content Marketing

Email Marketing and Productivity with AWeber

I was invited onto the AWeber livestream to productivity and email marketing. You can watch it here.

Email Marketing and Productivity with AWeber

Coaching and Consulting

Heart Shaped Decisions

Here I speak about my life and career, and what prompted me to set up my POWER to Live More business.

Heart Shaped Decisions

Coaching and Consulting

9 Minutes of Creative Wisdom Podcast

I was recently interviewed by Olga Kirshenbaum who was a guest on my podcast here! We discuss the importance of promoting your creation, charging your worth, and surrounding yourself with people who can help you.

9 Minutes of Creative Wisdom Podcast

Personal Productivity

Rethink Productivity Podcast – Productivity and Other Stuff

Back in July I was interviewed by Simon Hedaux, who was on my podcast here. I’m not really sure why it took me so long to post it here but there you go! It’s a bit of a hybrd interview in that we were talking about employee engagement as well as productivity, particularly in light […]

Rethink Productivity Podcast – Productivity and Other Stuff


Podcast Rockstars: Being a Productive Podcaster

An interview I did with my podcast show notes provider, Dawn Lidwell, on her podcast Podcast Showstarts, all about being a productive podcaster

Podcast Rockstars: Being a Productive Podcaster

Business Motivation

Business Diaries Podcast Interview

I was excited to be able to retell my story and talk it through with Lisa and Islay who were great hosts.

Business Diaries Podcast Interview