The Top Benefits of Living More Simply 

There are many benefits to living more simply, even when the situation has been forced upon us, as is the case for many at the moment!

When not a decision made for us, everyone has different reasons for choosing to simplify their life. Nevertheless, there are definitely some reoccurring benefits that you see on almost everyone’s ‘reasons to simplify’ list.

See which of these could motivate you to choose a more simple lifestyle.

More Time

Everyone would like more time, but 24 hours each day is all we get. So using this time on the things that are really important to us is of the essence. 

When you say no to more activities and obligations and have less stuff to maintain, you end up with more time to live the life you want to live.

Less Stress

Along with more time, people are desperately seeking ways to lessen the amount of stress they have in their daily lives. 

Fewer obligations, less doing and fewer possessions mean there’s less overall to deal with. 

You can even simplify the number or types of people you hang out with. For example, people who are always stressed out and complaining can be weeded out so that you have more time to spend with people who bring real value to your life.

More Focused Energy

Much of our limited time seems to be eaten up by responsibilities and obligations that add very little, if anything, to our lives.

Once we simplify how much we do and have, we have the time and energy to focus on the things that are the most important to us, like family, lifelong learning or hobbies.

Less Debt

In our materialistic world, we are constantly bombarded with ads telling us if we only have this product, we will be happier. In an attempt to gain that elusive joy for ourselves, we ‘buy into’ sales gimmicks that leave us with little but debt. 

Dedication to living more simply means we have less desire to impulse spend because we are spending more time doing fun stuff, so our happiness naturally increases. And since we are hanging onto less stuff, we are no longer willing to ‘own’ things we don’t need…especially on credit.

More Freedom

When you start to let go of the mountains of burdens you have taken on in the form of overworking, overspending and overextending yourself, you suddenly feel free. Maybe for the first time in your life! 

You begin to recognise the trap that you’ve been in, simply because society told you it was the way to happiness and fulfillment. 

True happiness comes from the freedom of doing less so you can be more and live more.

Photo by Billy Williams on Unsplash

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