Mindset and Habit Formation with Fred Stuvek Jr 

Fred Stuvek, Jr. is a high-achieving professional with multiple talents.

He has been inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame for several achievements in baseball, basketball, and track. Following his career as a lettered football quarterback for the Midshipmen, he graduated as an Officer for the U.S. Navy.

After offering his services to his country, he entered the business world holding senior leadership positions in private and public companies domestically and abroad.

In addition to his unique background, distinct perspective, and results-oriented mindset, he is also the author of It Starts With You, a book that collects his experiences and insights on transforming goals into tangible successes.

Fred joins me today to share his insights on forming the right mindset and habits for success. He explains what drove him to collect his thoughts and write the book, and touches on various topics included in the book.

He tackles the importance of the “right fit concept,” emotional quotients, discipline, and determination in the face of adversity. He also discusses the process of actually creating the book — including his intense desire to make it as perfect as possible — framed from the perspective of someone eager to self-examine and learn from his mistakes.

“If you believe in what you’re doing, and if you believe in yourself — those two ingredients are crucial for success.”

Fred Stuvek

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

  • What prompted Fred to write a book with a unique and comprehensive approach to successfully achieving one’s goals.
  • How his approach focuses on three things: what’s important, why it’s important, and how you do something about it.
  • The significance of the terms “mindset” and “habit,” and why those words are key terms in his book.
  • Why the key to dealing with the “I can’t do this” mindset is by believing in what you’re doing and believing in yourself.
  • Doing something that goes against the core of who you are versus something that requires a skill that you don’t have and can’t develop.
  • The importance of learning how to read signals from people, as well as assessing how much you can learn and develop under a prospective supervisor.
  • What are emotional quotients and how they impact your success? 
  • The concept of “learned behaviour,” nurture vs. nature, and skills that are ingrained and developed over time.
  • The significance of having a mentor to guide you and provide you with a different view on things.
  • How you can determine your connection with another person by simply communicating.
  • Why the way you deal with adversity could very well be the single biggest challenge of your life. 
  • How it’s really all about routine and patterns — and why we want to be creatures not just of habit, but of good habits.
  • The “default mode” that comes out when you’re faced with adversity.
  • Why discipline is a necessary trait for success and what happens if you don’t have enough of it.
  • Taking a critical view of things and learning to look at yourself to identify mistakes and to learn from them and move on.
  • The rigorous process he followed in writing the book.
  • His plans for promoting the book.


Connect with Fred Stuvek:

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

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