More people are making the decision to stop working 9 to 5 jobs for companies and organisations and instead work for themselves.
In our latest guest blog, Keilah talks about the gig economy.
Also known as the gig economy, this type of employment structure allows for greater flexibility and the ability to work on projects that interest you and that you’re passionate about.
But working for yourself also means that the drive to succeed is greater. And many times, that drive is backed up by working even longer hours than when you were working for someone else.
If you’re part of the gig economy, you’ll need to find ways to maintain a work-life balance or you risk burnout as a freelancer. Here’s how you can achieve a healthy balance:
Come up with a healthy routine
Develop healthy work habits that allow for exercise, sleep, and healthy eating. Be firm with yourself – before diving into your latest project first thing in the morning make the time to head to the gym or a yoga class.
Create a balanced schedule
Many freelancers find it helps to slot personal time right into the calendar. Black out those areas where you’re unavailable for consultations with clients or working on a project. Every day should have some of those black areas where you’re taking personal time.
Remind yourself why you freelance
You chose to become part of the gig economy and work for yourself for a reason – more job flexibility so you can spend time doing more of the things you enjoy.
Remind yourself of this when you find that work-life balance is out of balance. Then take the steps to get back into a work routine that has an even flow of work and personal time.
Find out more about achieving work-life balance with this guide to the gig economy created by the startup insurance company, Embroker. You’ll learn what it takes to navigate your way to become a freelancer worker, so you can enjoy the flexibility of working for yourself.
Exclusively written for
By Keilah Keiser
Featured Image: by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash