Using my 5 Fundamentals to Enable you to ‘Live More’: Show #40 

Complexity and disorganisation in your life and business can lead to you being ineffective and feeling overwhelmed. It can create:

  • a lack of focus
  • distractions as you keep thinking about future tasks that need your attention
  • stress by overwhelming your senses, causing your body to release cortisol, the stress hormone
  • an inability to process information
  • procrastination
  • a lack of creativity or thinking outside the box
  • memory loss
  • an inability to live in the moment

In this ‘always on’ digital world it’s easy to get bogged down and overwhelmed with an overflowing inbox, information flowing faster than you can deal with it and ‘busyness’ stopping you actually getting the important stuff done including ‘living more’!

The phrase “to live more” can mean different things to different people. It can mean buying all the things you want, looking forward to a lifetime with “the one,” or living a relaxed and stress-free life. For me, to live more means doing more of the things I want to do and not just the things I have to do. The question is, “What gives you the power to do that?”

On today’s episode, I share my definition of the “power” that enables me to live more. I explain the five essentials that can help you organise and be productive in your business while having the time and energy still to care for your family and yourself. I also share some tools you can use to channel your efforts towards growing your business and less on the daily redundancies, explain why you should be intentional about the people you surround yourself with, and emphasise the significance of taking time off to be honest to yourself about the direction you want to take.

“It’s important to take some time out and get clear about what we do and want to do, and organise our lives and our work around making that happen.” – Jo Dodds

This Week on the POWER to Live More Podcast:

  • What P.O.W.E.R. stands for
  • The transition from corporate to working at home
  • What led to the creation of the POWER to Live More
  • How to simplify your life
  • Organising through systems and processes
  • Why you should get people involved
  • Areas to look into regarding caring for yourself
  • How to stay consistent to move forward

Five Fundamentals to Live More:

  1. Simplify.
  2. Systemise.
  3. Share.
  4. Self-Care.
  5. Sustain.

Resources Mentioned:

Learn to Apply the 5 Fundamentals to Live More Today!

Are you willing to live more but don’t know where to start? Join my membership site that helps you understand, master, and apply each one of the five fundamentals in your life. Its very personal approach allows you to get support, from me, and from other members of the group. For more information, go to If you want something more personalised, please book in a call with me.

Connect, Share, Inspire

Thank you for joining me for this weeks episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing home-based business owners by sharing your favourite episodes on your social media channels.

Don’t forget to check out my website, join my Facebook Group,  follow me on Twitter and connect up with me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram to interact with me and my amazing audience!

Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

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