12 Ways to Bring Happiness and Peace into the Home 

If you freelance, you have the ability to work from anywhere. This is especially beneficial in times like this, when many offices are shut down and most of the world is on lockdown.

Having your work online and the ability to access it at home means you can remain busy and maintain an income. 

However, being confined to the four walls of your home can lead to tension and stress.

You may have previously broken up the day by working at alternate places like coffee shops or going to the gym. Now these locations are closed and you may feel trapped in your home. 

Luckily there are ways that you can alter your home so that it improves your mood, helps you focus and brings more peace into your day. From bringing more natural light into your space to creating a no-work zone in your home, these simple tips will help you find balance in your daily routine. 

Read through these tips for increasing happiness and peace in the home to see which items you already do and what you can begin to implement into your life in the upcoming weeks. 

infographic on increasing happiness and peace in the home

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