Slow Thinking Requires and Promotes Patience 

Patience is a virtue. It’s also something that feels a bit old fashioned and out of date in this time of instant gratification.

We can stream movies or download a book for instant access. Almost any type of information we seek is only a Google search away, and even physical products will arrive at our doorstep overnight.

It seems like we live in a day and age where patience is no longer a virtue we need to cultivate. And we lack practice in it as a result. 

Instant Gratification

That’s starting to become a problem. We suddenly expect instant gratification in everything.

Let’s look at weight loss for example. We want a magic pill or an easy button that will have the pounds melt off at a fast rate and transform us from fat to fit in a matter of weeks. What we want are the results shown on shows like “The Biggest Loser.” 

And it’s not just when it comes to weight loss. We want the big house, the fast car, and the luxury vacation without having to pinch pennies for years.

I don’t have to tell you that while we may want the big results and rewards fast, that’s not usually how life works. Instead, it takes consistent action and, most importantly, patience. 

Return to Patience

Focusing on slow thinking teaches you this return to patience. Like any skill, the more you practise it, the better you get.

Let’s go back to the weight loss example. Without patience, you stick to your diet and exercise plan for a few days or maybe even weeks. You see some initial results that keep you motivated, but without fail, you hit a plateau. Instead of waiting it out, you give up.

If you took the time to think it through and practise patience, you’d be more likely to stick with your plan and see some positive results over time. 

Use this as yet another motivation to take the time and make the effort to practise slow thinking and make it a habit that becomes part of every day of your life going forward.

Don’t fall back into traps of reactionary thinking. Slow down, take a closer look, and figure out what you should be doing next to get a step or two closer to your goals. It’s a habit that will serve you well and a good way to continue to practice patience. It will get easier over time.

Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash 

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