5 Alternative Places to Work From Besides Your Home 

One of the best things about freelancing is the luxury of never having to leave your house. Not only does this save you time commuting to-and-from the office, but it also allows you to work during your most productive hours.

However, this doesn’t mean that you’re limited to the four walls of your home—and it isn’t exactly healthy either. A survey by financial firm Aldermore found that more than 40 percent of self-employed workers feel lonely, leading them to suffer from anxiety, depression, and even burnout.

Instead of sitting alone in your home, here are five places you can work at whenever you feel like it’s time for a change in scenery.

Coffee Shops

Coffee shops are very popular working spaces for freelancers. Of course, there are power points, food, Wifi, and the opportunity for being around others who are also trying to be productive. From students to business professionals, coffee shops are often filled with creative energy you can immerse yourself in.

Just remember Eater’s etiquette list when working at a cafe, with the most important rule being to make sure you re-order according to how long you’re staying. After all, you get to enjoy their facilities, so it’s only appropriate that you ‘pay’ for those services by ordering accordingly. Rule of thumb is to try to make a purchase every 90 mins or so.

Coworking Spaces

In my blog on ‘The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Home Based Coach or Consultant’ I shared that some of the top needs of a work-at-home professional includes a networking community, collaboration, and opportunities for conversation. A coworking space can provide you with all of these by putting you in a setting where you can meet like-minded individuals to create meaningful connections.

Coworking spaces tend to come with membership fees, so you don’t have to worry about reordering or upkeep either. Popular US-based coworking chain Industrious outlines the many amenities that guests typically get to enjoy: from clean conference rooms and free-flowing coffee, to fast internet and much more. The only thing professionals have to focus on here is their own work.

No matter where you are in the world, a great coworking space will have all of the above, and will know how to really keep their clients happy by running regular events to foster community and encourage collaboration.


If your job doesn’t involve a lot of phone calls, then a library is the perfect place to concentrate and focus on your tasks. There’s always a table, charging is free, and Wifi is reliable. The only downside is that you’re not allowed to bring food inside.

As an example, Denmark has even been renovating some of their libraries to accommodate working individuals who need a place to work for extended periods. The Black Diamond National Library and the Copenhagen University Library Nord, for instance, are both equipped with sofas, dedicated workstations, in-house cafes, and much more.


Museums are excellent places to work, especially on days when you’re looking to surround yourself with literal walls of inspiration.

There are even museums, such as the Musée Yves Saint Laurent in Marrakech, which have dedicated workspaces, and come equipped with amenities like tables, food, and Wifi. Not all museums will have these facilities though, so it’s best to call and ask them before you head out.

Lobbies/Reception Areas

It may seem a bit unusual, but if you live in a flat, an apartment, or are staying in a hotel that has a spacious lobby, it’s worth noting that they’re often deserted during the week. This makes them the perfect place to work from.

Even if you don’t live in a residential building, there are bound to be places such as the Sheraton Grand or Curtain Hotel in London, which open their lobbies to people who aren’t residents / guests.

The best thing about the remote working life is not being tied down by anything—not by an office, not by time, and certainly not your home. Of course the above list isn’t exhaustive; you may know other good places to work from, such as the local park or your favourite restaurant!

For more freelancing tips and updates, check out our other posts on the POWER to Live More blog.

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