Let’s Recap 30 Days of Encouraging Slow Thinking 

Can you believe it? We’ve made it to the end of our 30-part blog series about the benefits of slow thinking. I hope you’ve learned something here and there.

More importantly, I hope this has inspired you to spend a little more time slowing down and thinking deeply before you jump into action. 

Let’s quickly recap and take a look at everything we’ve covered these past twenty-nine days. 

  1. Welcome and Why It’s Often Faster to Slow Down 
  2. What Happens When You Rush into Things Too Fast? 
  3. Think Before You Speak and Other Ways Slow Thinking Will Help You in Everyday Life 
  4. Slow Thinking Allows You to Act and Implement Fast 
  5. Force Yourself to Slow Down by Writing It Down 
  6. The Benefits of Planning Ahead
  7. Do You Take Time to Just Sit and Think?
  8. Stuck on a Problem? Get Up and Walk Away
  9. You Can’t See the Big Picture When You’re in the Middle of Things
  10. Slow Thinking Encourages You to Act Instead of React 
  11. Stop Worrying and Start Using Slow Thinking to Come Up with a Game Plan 
  12. How Slow Thinking Can Help Reduce Stress  
  13. Busy Work Doesn’t Mean You’re Actually Productive
  14. Cutting Out Distractions Helps Slow Thinking
  15. Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast
  16. The Dangers of Focusing on Efficiency
  17. Constant Connectivity and Frequent Interruptions Promote Fast Thinking
  18. Slow and Deliberate Thinking Helps Reduce the Mistakes You Make 
  19. Why Your Boss, Your Customers, and Your Family Will Appreciate Slow Thinking 
  20. Slow Thinking Encourages You to Focus on One Project at a Time 
  21. How Journaling Can Help Promote Slow Thinking 
  22. Unplug and Walk Away to Encourage Slow Thinking and Subconscious Problem Solving 
  23. Make Time for Regular Slow Thinking by Putting It on the Calendar 
  24. Use Slow Thinking to Review 
  25. What to Do When Everyone Around You is Trying to Rush You 
  26. Slow Thinking Requires and Promotes Patience 
  27. Why Instant Gratification Isn’t Always the Answer 
  28. Using Slow Thinking Strategies to Reverse Bad Habits & Use Better Impulse Control 
  29. How Slow Thinking Can Help Improve Your Personal Finances and Long-Term Income Prospects 

Going forward, I hope you continue to embrace this new slow thinking skill and make it a habit. Whenever you encounter a problem or need a little refresher, come back and revisit the appropriate posts. In fact, it may not be a bad idea to bookmark this page, so you have it at your fingertips as needed. 

By now I’m sure you’re starting to reap the benefits of slow thinking, but this is just the beginning. The more you practise and implement this way of living, the more you’ll gain. Keep at it!

Photo by Fransiskus Filbert Mangundap on Unsplash

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